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Dissertation Topics

Few Dissertation Topics for Students

1 .Studies on pigment producing microorganisms from natural ecosystem.
2. Isolation and characterization of salt tolerant Azotobacter from saline and normal soils
3. Bacteriological characters of drinking water from public place in —— district Maharashtra
4. Microbiological studies on the treatment of tannery waste with reference to seed culture
5. Microbiological studies on the mastitis in the milking animals in ——- (Maharashtra)
6. Studies on the physicochemical and microbiological aspects of saline soils of ———-
7. Physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of fertile and virgin soils of——- region with special references to Azotobacter and Azospirillum species
8. Surface microflora of cockroaches (Periplanta america) and houseflies (Musca nebulo) with special references to enteropathogens.
9. Microbial seed culture preparation for the treatment of municipal sewage from ——- city
10. Citric acid production by Aspergillus niger isolated form soils of —— (Maharashtra)
11 .Studies on the microbiological aspects of dental caries in——– (Maharashtra)
12 .Isolation and characterization of Escherichia coli phages from sewage ——– (Maharashtra)
13. Treatment or waste from Koyana dairy with reference to microbial seed culture preparation
14 .Isolation of actinomycetes form muncipal sewage of oxidaion ponds from ——- taluka (Maharashtra)
15. Studies on microbial lipase, phospholipase and proteolytic enzymes of soil isolates from ———
16. Studies on microflora from hospital environment.
17. Studies on Isolation and identification of pathogens from different fast foods.
18. Studies on the antibacterial activity of actinomycetes Isolated from Osmanabad Soil.
19. Studies in microflora from hospital environment.
20. Studies on degradation of textile dye Red H7G by actinomycetes.
21. Studies on cellulose producing microorganism
22. Studies on the production of alkaline xylanase by actinomycetes.
23. Microbiology studies on the raw milk from small dairies in ——- city with emphasis on bacterial enteropathogens.
24. Studies on aerobic amylase producing microorganisms from soils of ——- with emphasis on screening production and characterization of amylase.
25. Studies on the physicochemical and microbiological aspects of rhizospheric soils of grape (Vitis vinefera) from ———.
26. Microbiological studies on the treatment of municipal sewage from——– city with references to seed culture preparation.
27. Studies on the physicochemical and microbiological aspects of saline soils of —– Taluka.
28. Microbiological studies on the bore well and open well water from ——.
29. Microbiological studies on the milk samples from Koyana dairy at ——-.
30. Studies on the Escherichia coli phages from sewage at ——–.
31. Studies on the microbiological aspects in the production of cane sugar.
32. Studies on the anti microbial potential of plant from ——-against locality isolated bacterial and fungal strains.
33. Screening of antibacterial activity of Gandhak-druti
34.To evaluate the efficacy of shigrupatra swarasa on dushta
35. To study the effect of palash-kshara on Dushta-verna
36.Bioplastics production
37. Plastic degradation
38. Bioactive compounds from Microorganisms
39.Antibiotics production from Microorganisms
40. Biosurfactants.
41. Fungal Endophytes
42. Diversity of Actinomycetes from different soil samples
43. Enzymes production and applications
44. Biofertilizers
45. Biodegradation.
46. Waste management
47.Biogas production.
48. MFC
49. Polysaccharides production FROM microorganisms
50. Genetic engineering related to enzyme disabilities
51. Antidiabetic activity of plant extracts.
52. Antimycobacterial activity of mangrove plants
53. Plant tissue culture in drug management.
54. Spirulina production and applications
55. Mushrooms Cultivation, Production and applications.
56. Cow dung Microorganisms as a plant growth promoter